"The humor and intelligence of Sandra Newman's writing [has] won her comparisons to Kurt Vonnegut. Like Vonnegut, she has the courage to follow her imagination down twisting alleyways and around unlikely corners... It is heartening to know there's a new voice out there willing and eager to take to the stage in such a daring fashion." -- Myla Goldberg, New York Times Book Review
"It is tremendously exciting to read Sandra Newman's work. I read "Cake" in one sitting and thought it was wonderful. Here is a writer prepared to take risks, who takes nothing for granted and who pushes the form to create an extraordinary and unforgettable world. Oh, and she's very funny, too." -- Clare Allan, author of Poppy Shakespeare. "
"A show-stealing, risk-taking A witty, imaginative debut from a young novelist with dazzling
first novel... Newman has a intellectual resources." -- Adrienne Miller, Esquire"
liltingly poetic rhythm, an
uncanny ear for dialogue As compulsive as an all-nighter with a new lover."
and nicely bathetic sense of - Belle de Jour
comic timing." Guardian
Review of Books (UK) "David Lynch and Dave Eggers aficionados
will find much to admire in this edgy,
"Newman has strange, and dazzling first novel." fashioned a Library Journal (starred review)
first novel that is
anything but "If you liked Foer's 'Everything is
by-the-numbers... Illuminated,"you'll love "The Only
Full of false Good Thing Anyone Has Ever
turns, fake names, Done,"which mixed prose, poetry,
and jaw-dropping lists, and outlines in an engagingly
coincidences, eccentric story about identity and
all slotted neatly seeking the truth in one's past."
together in - Austin-American Statesman
Newman's blunt,
wry prose. A "Exactly the kind of book I like
virtuoso perfor- - funny and moving, quirky and
mance [that] intelligent, and written in a
more than fresh, original voice."
proves - Kate Atkinson, author
Newman of "Behind the Scenes
a writer worth at the Museum"
Publishers "Well-written,
Weekly original, and
(starred powerful."
review) - Times
"Sandra Supplement
Newman may well be the
Vonnegut of her generation. "Breathtaking writing...
"The Only Good Thing Anyone Has Ever Done" The dialogue is pitch-perfect, with
is a smart, bighearted, hysterical, and gorgeously rendered laugh-out-loud lines... An exhilarating read."
novel. Newman writes with the soul of a deadpan angel and the eye - Independent on Sunday
of a seen-it-all savant. Some books entertain, and some enlighten.
"The Only Good Thing Anyone Has Ever Done" does both - and more." "Newman's absurdist style, which has earned her comparisons to Vonnegut,
-- Jerry Stahl, author of "Permanent Midnight" marks this debut novel as a possible cult hit." - Time Out New York